Choosing a WordPress theme for
New Project? Online Store? Client's Website? Landing Page? Creative Portfolio? Personal Blog?

Full Support for Elementor
The world's leading WordPress page builder
Elementor took the WordPress community by storm and quickly became the most popular page builder for WP. Compared to the proprietary page builders found in some other top-selling themes, it has at least 10 times bigger user base. Therefore it is better tested. And the developer community is way bigger.
But why is it important to you? Because compared to other page builders and themes, Elementor is more reliable and secure. Also, the add-ons ecosystem is much better developed. So there’s a higher chance to find that specific feature you’re looking for!

The7 Elements
Post types, elements for page builders, WooCommerce and other popular plugins integration
Theme Builder
- Headers
- Page titles
- Footers
- Page templates
- Archives
- Search results
- 404 page
- Portfolio
- WooCommerce
- and more!

Post Types and Elements
- Portfolio
- Slideshows
- Media Albums
- Team
- Testimonials
- Masonry & Grid
- Carousel
- Photo Scroller
- Products
- and many others!
Elementor Pro and
PRO Elements Integration
The7 Elements integrates seamlessly both with Elementor Pro and its free alternative PRO Elements. Giving you pro-level tools for marketing, lead generation, and dynamic content styling. No need to install bulky third-party add-ons or plugins. Pro features include (but not limited to):
- Pro widgets
- Dynamic colors and content
- Popular marketing tools integration
- Forms and popups builder

WP Bakery Page Builder
Full support for WPBakery Page Builder & Ultimate Addons

The most popular theme for WPBakery Page Builder
50+ The7 Elements
Ultimate Addons

The7 Theme Options
If you can dream it, The7 will help you build it!

Integration with Page Builders
Integration with Popular Plugins
The7 generates dedicated styles for many popular plugins. We also made sure that the theme is plugin-friendly in general, so they fit your website perfectly.
Theme Options Wizard
Work smart. Save time. Set up only a few basic settings in the Wizard, and The7 will algorithmically figure out the rest. It takes only minutes and is the perfect way to prototype design.

The7 + WooCommerce
Sell with style!
Synergy with The7

WooCommerce Theme Builder
Product Widgets and Shortcodes

One-Click Demo Installer
Use prebuilt websites to boost your productivity

Install or remove a prebuilt website in one click!
Mix and match
Import by link

60+ Prebuilt Demos
Easy to install and customize
Qwerty VR
Lorem ipsum amet – nullam arcu tempus.
Draw & play
Purus creative – dolor amet sem nibh mattis in varius egestas.
Seven cycling
Pellen papibus, purus et sem mattis egestas dolor nulla amet.
Liquors campaign
Quisque malesuada – in sem at lorem numa glavrida amet maximus.
Stretching studio
Lore magna – purus et nulla creative volutpat donec vel varius ipsum amet.
Book cover design
Nullam porta nulla non arcu tempus dolor.
Boxed water
Dignissim from nulla gravida posuere sagittis creative donec vel variusdolor.
Love project
Glavrida from amet porta nulla.
Zero waste
Pellentesque dolor dapibus, purus et sem creative volutpat donec nibh in egestas.
Crossfit seven
Glavrida from amet – nullam porta to nulla dolor ipsum.
Amet from ipsum
Morbi dapibus a tellus at euismod lorem ipsum dolor.
Ipsum from dolor amet
Dolor proin eget ex convallis eu viverra lorem pretium.
Nulla glavrida
Ex convallis eu viverra lorem pretium tellus dolor amet at euismod.
Morbi dapibus
Convallis eu viverra lorem pretium. Morbi dapibus a tellus at euismod.
Class aptent taciti
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conus.
Lorem ipsum dolor
Ut sit amet semper arcu – dolor proin eget ex convallis eu viverra lorem pretium.
Food delivery
Glavrida from amet – lorem glavrida nullam porta nulla non arcu lorem.
The art of sushi
Pellentesque purus et sem nibh mattis nunc donec vel varius egestas.
Tattoo studio
Donec dignissim gravida posuere sagittis dolor.
Seven band
Nullam porta – nulla non glavrida amet arcu tempus.
3D typography
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra.

What Else?
"There's a feature for that"

Free lifetime updates
No recurring membership or
other hidden fees!

Rock-solid 5-star rating
200 000+ purchases, 8000+ reviews.

First-class support
Ongoing support with 6 months
of priority access.

More bang for your buck!
$174+ worth premium plugins included.

SEO-ready & mobile-friendly
Certified by Google.

Whitelabel tool
Transform The7 into Your_Theme
in a few clicks.

Multilingual & translation ready
Already translated into 10+ languages!

Unlimited headers
Desktop & mobile headers, header builder.

Mega menu
Built in mega menu capabilities.
... but wait, there's more!
- Dynamic colors and content
- Tools integration
- Forms and popups builder
- Dynamic colors and content
- Forms and popups builder
- Search results
- 404 page customization
- Portfolio
- WooCommerce
- Lorem ipsum dolor amet
- Dynamic colors and content
- Tools integration
- Forms and popups builder
- Dynamic colors and content
- Forms and popups builder
- Search results
- 404 page
- Portfolio
- WooCommerce
- and more!